terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2019

Esposa de pastor que se suicidou manterá projeto de valorização à vida

Juli Wilson, esposa do pastor Jarrid Wilson, que acabou tirando a própria vida em setembro na Califórnia (EUA), disse que continuará lutando a favor da prevenção ao suicídio.

Pastor Jarrid e esposa.
Pastor Jarrid e esposa.

O falecido pastor tinha apenas 30 anos quando decidiu terminar sua vida após uma batalha ao longo da vida contra a depressão e a ansiedade.

Jarrid mantinha um programa, desde 2016, de ajuda a vítimas da mesma doença que o assolava, mas acabou sucumbindo aos efeitos do problema.

Em uma postagem no Instagram, a esposa do pastor explicou que, embora esteja com o coração partido pela perda de seu marido, encontra-se em paz por saber que ele está descansando com Deus agora.

“Você está nos braços mais seguros, meu doce Jarrid. Estou confusa, completamente de coração partido, e com inveja por você estar cara a cara com o nosso Salvador, tudo ao mesmo tempo. Você está na presença de Deus. Que dia glorioso será quando estivermos todos reunidos aos pés dEle, juntos. Até lá, Ele está segurando os garotos e eu durante esses dias terrivelmente escuros”, escreveu a viúva.

“Eu tenho uma paz tão profunda sabendo que ele está segurando sua mão agora também. Eu te amo muito, querido. Sinto sua falta além das palavras. Continuarei gritando seu hino de esperança até o meu último suspiro” – finalizou ela, se referindo ao projeto de prevenção ao suicídio.

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I love this dude. But you know what? It’s not always easy loving him. Why? Because I’m human, and loving someone more than myself doesn’t come easily. I can feel my sin nature rub up against all that God has taught me and theres a friction between the two: between who I am naturally and who I long to be spiritually . Yeah, I know…Instagram gets shy when we say stuff like that. Aren’t we supposed to be #GOALS? Isn’t love just effortless when you find the “right “person?! Hate to break it to y’all, but that’s just not true . @jarridwilson and I have been faced with tough conversations, hard situations and moments where throwing in the towel would be a lot easier than cleaning up the mess that found its way into our relationship . Jare publicly struggles with depression and anxiety, and I sometimes struggle with adding to it by telling him to just “get over it” (yes, I know there’s no such thing), but ya know, I’m human. And selfish. And so in need of the grace that I so often withhold from this man . I don’t know why I’m sharing this, really, except to just remind you that we all deal with stuff that others don’t really know about. There’s tears we cry that no human will ever see. Prayers we pray that seem to go unheard. Feelings that try to drown out the truth that God has so clearly shown us . This is where God comes in. He’s there. He’s listening. He sees the tears. He feels the pain. He longs to comfort you. And you know what else? There are men and women out there, counselors, that are available when you feel like you need someone to talk to, too. Not as a replacement for your relationship with God, but as a wonderful addition. He has equipped them with knowledge and discernment to help you along this journey called the Christian life. This goes for marriage, depression, anxiety and everything else far and in between . YOU ARE NOT ALONE. In your job, in your depression, in your marriage, in your singleness, in whatever season you’re in, God is with you. He cares. He has a purpose for you that is beyond what you could ever imagine. When life knocks you down, look up and reach out. There are people who care an awful lot. I promise. ♥ #anthemofhope

A post shared by Julianne Wilson 🌿 (@itsjuliwilson) on


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